Saturday, December 27, 2008

Playtime with JD

Just before Christmas Josh and I had the chance to go down to Salt Lake. We had a few last minute presents to pick up and wanted to get out and about. We decided that since we don't get to see my nephew very much we would see if we could borrow him for the day. We went and picked him up from the daycare where my sister works and got ready to go out! My mom needed us to pick up some chocolate for them to use for dipping chocolates. Then we went a few other places. JD was so good during all of it. Even while we were shopping. We had a great time playing around in the stores and picking out gifts. We then decided to take JD to lunch-he loves chicken nuggets so we went to Wendys. We also got to go and visit my mom at her school and surprise her with JD! He was so excited to see her. He is so smart and I love seeing him grow. I am grateful for cell phones and knowing that even though I'm far away I can talk to him. It's pretty fun to see Josh with him too-he loves calling him Uncle Josh-and Josh is now used to the fact that he has 3 awesome nephews. We are hoping when we come down again we can take my other two nephews out (they had school the day we were down) or that my sister TeKarri and hubby Troy can come up and have a small getaway while we take the boys. I love being with family and can't wait until we live a little closer so that visits aren't so far between.

1 comment:

The Halls of Fame said...

He is so cute!! I'm glad you guys got to take him for the day!! I know Karli thought it was pretty great too. I can't wait until you live closer as well! Josh will probably get sick of us!! Love you♥